Margaret Mead's words call out to me this evening:
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.
I didn’t know a single soul in the room, but I ventured out to my local library this evening. The meeting was the first in the Northeast Metro area (Twin Cities) of Moms Demand Action for Gunsense in America. We heard presentation from a leader who thought herself to be the most unlikely activist; she didn’t even join Moms Demand Action until after Parkland. The women (and men!) in the room were there because they were concerned citizens, concerned that seven American children or teens are shot and killed every day.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.
I didn’t know a single soul in the room, but I ventured out to my local library this evening. The meeting was the first in the Northeast Metro area (Twin Cities) of Moms Demand Action for Gunsense in America. We heard presentation from a leader who thought herself to be the most unlikely activist; she didn’t even join Moms Demand Action until after Parkland. The women (and men!) in the room were there because they were concerned citizens, concerned that seven American children or teens are shot and killed every day.
I also learned that this group is a big tent. The woman who led
our meeting hunts grouse in Minnesota. Her husband is a gun owner. Her
involvement and leadership in this group communicates how important it is for
men and women to work together for common sense gun legislation including better background checks and preventing those who are a real danger to themselves or others
from owning guns.

I don’t know yet of all the specific actions I will take to lend
my passion to this local group, but I know that I will. I encourage all of you
who care about gun violence or other pressing issues—whether you consider
yourself an activist or not—to find a small group of thoughtful citizens. Facebook
can help you connect, but don’t stay there. Call it naivete or simply looking
at history. Small groups can make a difference. The arc of history is long, but
bends toward justice. That is my prayer, but also, Spirit willing, my steps.