Thursday, March 15, 2018

Remembering Emma

Today my friend Emma Renninger would have turned 40 years old. She was killed in an auto accident on the back roads of Central Pennsylvania in early January. On this anniversary of her birth, I offer this reflection on the gift of her life.

Over a decade ago, I was privileged to be invited to a Journey Feast for Gordon Gray. This man, a member of the Chippewa Cree, lived on the Rocky Boy Reservation in Montana where I had been visiting for two weeks. As part of this end of life ritual, the community gathered four days after Gordon’s death, each person bringing food and placing it on a large table, much like a pot-luck supper. Everyone sat on the floor around the room on cloths or blankets, much like gathering for a picnic at an outdoor concert. Servers made their way around the room, giving us a sample of all the food brought; it was expected that you would eat some of everything. I had three plates and four bowls at the foot of my chair. Multiply that by fifty or more people and you get a sense of the enormous quantity. Yet none of this food was to be wasted. To-go containers were provided so that nothing was left over. This sharing of food was not just a polite way of being together in mourning; it was essential, expected.

I was not able to attend the funeral for Emma, a woman who brought people together in unexpected ways. Emma was a farmer, cook, and entrepreneur. She named her Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania restaurant, “Emma’s Food for Life.” She once confided to me she regretted naming the restaurant after herself; such an inextricable personal link can be a burden. She indeed carried that burden, weighed down by the many responsibilities of owning, managing, and cooking for a restaurant as well as a farm. But true to its name, it was “food for life.”

Those who knew Emma as family, close friend, or casual restaurant attendee, still mourn her untimely death as such a loss precisely because her life generated “life” in such a tangible way. She fed us. She gave us food for our journeys. Literally. When I mentioned her death to my six-year old, she immediately grieved the loss of Emma’s “best-ever” pizza served on the colorful kid’s plates. And her yummy French fries. But it wasn’t so much the food itself, amazingly delicious though it was. It was her care for how she sourced her food, prepared, and served it to others that was so life-giving.

Emma was part of the “slow food” locavore movement before it was trendy. She carried out this venture in a part of the country that didn’t fully appreciate this treasure in its own backyard. When I worked as a waitress in the restaurant for two years, there would be very slow days, a table or two at most. Yet those who came valued the slow pace as a kind of sanctuary from the “food for death” culture— fast, commercially-processed food that thrived on waste.

Emma sought to create a different kind of food sanctuary that valued connection. She knew other local farmers who would bring their produce to the restaurant. She raised her own pigs and chickens. For years, our family kept a “pig bucket” at home where we would deposit all of our food scraps that couldn’t go in the compost. When full, we would deliver the bucket to Emma at the restaurant and she made sure it made it to her pigs. (Leftover birthday cake was a particular favorite). 

Emma’s life fostered connection not only between people but also between the earth and its creatures. Materials were not wasted. Likewise, time to shoot the breeze with the restaurant regulars was not wasted minutes, but an opportunity. Because Emma took the time to listen to these folks, many who became dear friends, her restaurant was indeed food for life, food for the body and the soul.

“There’s a hunger beyond food that’s expressed in food, and that’s why feeding is always a kind of miracle.”- Sara Miles.

Last winter when I read a memoir entitled Take this Bread by Sara Miles, I thought of Emma countless times. Miles shares her story as an agnostic woman who discovered the holiness of food in church and out, reaching out to others at a San Francisco food pantry that served fresh food and produce, not the kind of rejected food that took up space in dark kitchen cupboards. I meant to tell Emma how much I saw what she did as a ministry, as a way she reached out to the community and fed them in ways beyond the obvious. I didn’t do that, a regret I now carry. Instead I share these words, a tribute to a woman whose life touched mine and so many others in unexpected, beautiful ways. They were not perfect ways; they were not without anger and frustration, not without regret or deep sadness. But they were beautiful in that she showed how to work tirelessly for a vision, to care for a community, and to create a kind of sacred space adorned with art created by local artists and flowers from her garden.

In the Chippewa Cree tradition, food was not only for the living; it was for the dead. It was taken to the burial ground because the deceased would need it for their next journey. In the Christian tradition familiar to me, eating together is also central to life and death, holy communion an expression of God with us and the people of God gathered together, fed for our journeys now and of those of which we cannot see the ending.

Feeding is a kind of miracle. I give thanks for Emma’s feeding us with her spirit and her delicious meals. I hope those who continue to journey on still sense her presence when they share food and care for the land that gives life.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Walking the Walk

Margaret Mead's words call out to me this evening:

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.

I didn’t know a single soul in the room, but I ventured out to my local library this evening. The meeting was the first in the Northeast Metro area (Twin Cities) of Moms Demand Action for Gunsense in America. We heard presentation from a leader who thought herself to be the most unlikely activist; she didn’t even join Moms Demand Action until after Parkland. The women (and men!) in the room were there because they were concerned citizens, concerned that seven American children or teens are shot and killed every day.

I also learned that this group is a big tent. The woman who led our meeting hunts grouse in Minnesota. Her husband is a gun owner. Her involvement and leadership in this group communicates how important it is for men and women to work together for common sense gun legislation including better background checks and preventing those who are a real danger to themselves or others from owning guns.

Today young people around the country walked out. Some argued that this was not the right response, that they should have “walked up” instead.  Rachel Held Evans posted eloquently today about this false dichotomy. Being kind to your classmates and choosing to make a stand on behalf of fellow young people who lost their lives to gun violence are not opposite choices. As a Lutheran Christian, I am steeped in both/and thinking. Many faith traditions are encouraged to develop a personal spiritual practice and public witness, not one or the other. We can pray for 17 minutes in our home for the 17 who died in Parkland as one of my friends posted about today. That's one important kind of solidarity. We can also march today and everyday as needed, walking the walk as well as talking the talk. I think of all the Rise Up T-shirts my husband has from the last Youth Gathering of our denomination. I wonder: How many of those teens gathered in Detroit in 2015 connected their willingness to make a stand today to this previous call to Rise Up?

I don’t know yet of all the specific actions I will take to lend my passion to this local group, but I know that I will. I encourage all of you who care about gun violence or other pressing issues—whether you consider yourself an activist or not—to find a small group of thoughtful citizens. Facebook can help you connect, but don’t stay there. Call it naivete or simply looking at history. Small groups can make a difference. The arc of history is long, but bends toward justice. That is my prayer, but also, Spirit willing, my steps.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

What are we treasuring?

Those who gathered for worship this Ash Wednesday likely heard these words from the Gospel of Matthew:

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

On this Valentine’s Day, where is your treasure? On this day of the 14th school shooting in 2018 (we are only in February!), what do we treasure as a nation?

Some will say this is not the acceptable time to ask what we treasure, to work toward policies that refocus our values. It is time for weeping, for consolation. But if not now, then when? How many shootings, both those that draw media attention and those that happen day in and day out, until we say this is not the people we want to be?

The noise gets louder, the Facebook posts get nastier. And yet, here we are. Children are dying from gun violence at a rate of seven per day. If this was a disease, we’d be wearing ribbons and raising money with charity runs. Yet we say we are powerless. A woman with an ashen cross is photographed weeping outside the most recent school shooting site. What sins do we confess along with our “thoughts and prayers?”

It might not be moths and rust as described in Matthew’s gospel, but we are consumed by our storing up. The sheer number of guns in our country is not keeping us safer. We think storing guns in our home to prevent the thieves coming in and stealing will keep us safer, but statistics prove otherwise.
What can we do instead of storing up, of acquiring more in the illusion that we will be safer?
“From fruitless fear unfurl our lives,” sings one hymn.
Can we treasure the future of our children above our party lines? 

My six-year-old daughter tells me about the safety checks in her school. “We have to go to the corner and sit criss cross applesauce. We have to be super quiet and not say a word.” Is this the future we want? For us? For them?

Unfurl us from our fears. They bring no fruit, only death and decay.
Before we know it, the fears cause a rot from the inside out.

This Lent and beyond, can we treasure our children enough to change our hearts?
In the words of an ancient prophet, let us be repairers of the breach.
 Let us treasure a love that calls for swords being beaten into plowshares.
Now is the acceptable time.

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.


Monday, January 1, 2018

Being a Baker

“Anything worth doing is worth doing well.”

That was a life mantra passed down to me by my father and was likely passed down to him by his father.

About ten years ago, you could have heard my head spinning when a pastor colleague offered me this polar opposite:

“Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly.”

Really? Could this be true? As a perfectionist I had my doubts. Yet, what freedom, what grace!

2018 has arrived and I’ve not always been one for resolutions.  To me, they carry the burden of that first mantra. To make a resolution means striving for perfection. You might fail. No, you will fail.  I will fail. I won’t eat perfectly, exercise perfectly, journal perfectly, or any other endeavor we believe is worth our effort.

This new year, though, I have been reflecting on two things: an article that I read about failure and my recently discovered Netflix obsession: watching the Great British Baking Show with my kids. More and more, these remind me of the truth of those head spinning words, "Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly."

I am a Baker, at least by name. And I actually really like baking. I’ve whipped up some fancy desserts on occasion. I prefer to make my kid’s birthday cakes from scratch.  Challah has been a moderate success. But the truth is I rarely try something new or challenging. I’ve yet to attempt a cheesecake. Or a key lime pie. And I rarely bake unless I have something pressing like a party or holiday. I rarely just bake for the pleasure of it. 

So I’ve resolved in 2018 that the kitchen will be my lab for failure, all for the sake of actually having a hobby. I’ve been jealous of folks that seem to find time for all kinds of hobbies. Even before I started working full-time and was juggling numerous part-time jobs with being a mom, I would never know what to say when asked for my hobbies. Doing my morning Sudoku puzzle while savoring a cup of tea, taking walks, perhaps reading a book— that’s been the extent of it. 

My first bake of 2018 was a simple cinnamon raisin bread. It had a slight crack on the top and when I went to put a piece into the toaster, the spiral part with the raisins un-spiraled. I wouldn’t have won “star baker.” But it tasted good and my picky-eater kids liked it. Even more, I enjoyed the process. It was a very pleasant way to usher in
a new year.

I don’t plan on being one of those fancy food bloggers who write a dissertation intermingled with a recipe and a photo album.  But I’m hoping that the process of baking will help me live into “anything worth doing is worth doing poorly.” I hope it will give me permission to “Lean In” as author Sheryl Sandberg encourages. Perhaps the resolution is in the trying, knowing that it’s in the cracks and breaks that the light shines through.